63 Calm Down Ideas for Scared Kids - Brave Guide
63 Calm Down Ideas for Scared Kids

63 Calm Down Ideas for Scared Kids

Calm down activities for scared kids can be an important way to help your child feel less afraid. During these scary times, your child may be feeling more fearful, develop trouble sleeping, or express worries. 

Feeling afraid is not necessarily a bad thing. The important thing for kids is that they learn skills to cope with their feelings. This will help them not get stuck in fear and unable to do activities and tasks that they want or need to do.

How to Teach Your Child Calm Down Skills

It is important to introduce calm down skills at calm moments. Teach your child a skill and then practice it throughout the day. Then, when they start to feel afraid, remind them of the skill and do it with them the first few times. 

Once your child has mastered the new skill, you will be able to remind them to use it and not need to do it along side them quite as often.

Calm Down a Scared Child

How to Choose the Best Calm Down Skill for Your Child

Think about what is causing your child’s fear. Are they afraid at bedtime due to common nighttime fears such as being afraid of monsters or scared of the dark? Or, is their fear related to a situation like knowing someone who is sick or who has passed away? Or, is your child generally just feeling afraid of everything?

If this question feels difficult, I have a workbook for kids that can help you work with your child to figure out what is making them feel so afraid. (The Little Brave Guide to Being Afraid also teaches some of these calm down skills as well as provides other more in-depth activities that can really help kids who struggle with fear.)

Child Working on the Little Brave Guide to Being Afraid

Once you know what your child is afraid of, you should be able to look through the list below and determine which calm down activities will target their fears the most.

Some calm down activities are also good for just about any kind of fear. Deep Breathing and Distraction Techniques are my favorites in those situations.

63 Calm Down Activities for Scared Kids

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  1. Do a Guided Meditation from YouTube or the Calm App
  2. Shake a Glitter Jar or Bubble Bottle
  3. Read a Book
  4. Say a Prayer
  5. 5 Senses Scavenger Hunt (Check out the Calm Down Card Deck for instructions)
  6. Count To 20
  7. Squeeze a Stress Ball
  8. Do Infinity Breathing (Here’s an article on Deep Breathing for Kids with Instructions)
  9. Talk to a Friend
  10. Think of a Happy Memory
  11. Do Dragon Breathing For 1 Minute 
  12. Clench and Release Your Muscles
  13. Use a Problem-Solving Worksheet (Download one for free in the Parenting Resource Library)
  14. Look at Old Pictures
  15. Make a Bravery Shield
  16. Suck on Ice
  17. Do Downward Dog
  18. Blow A Marble with A Straw
  19. Do an ABC Scavenger Hunt (Check out the Calm Down Bundle for instructions)
  20. Play with A Rubix Cube
  21. Write a Letter or a Story
  22. Balance on One Foot
  23. Pretend You Are Calm Even If You’re Not
  24. Crab Walk
  25. Play Air Guitar or Air Drums
  26. Remember Every Detail You Can About the Most Beautiful Place You Have Every Been
  27. Listen to Music
  28. Do a Puzzle
  29. Blow Bubbles
  30. Do a Word Search
  31. Do Belly Breathing Until You Feel Calm 
  32. Put on Noise Reducing Head Phones
  33. Go to a Quiet Calm Place
  34. Snuggle a Stuffed Animal
  35. Write in a Journal
  36. Hum or Whistle to Yourself
  37. Try to Say the ABCs Backwards
  38. Do Mountain Breathing (Here’s an article on Deep Breathing for Kids with Instructions)
  39. Blow on a Pinwheel
  40. Play with a Fidget Spinner
  41. Make a Tent Out of Your Blankets and Read a Book with a Flashlight
  42. Bounce on a Ball (This hippity hop is my son’s favorite calm down tool!)
  43. Do Some Stretches
  44. Make Faces in a Mirror
  45. Get A Drink of Water
  46. Color a Picture
  47. Squeeze a Pillow as Tight as You Can
  48. Let Someone Brush Your Hair
  49. Have a Dance Party
  50. Use a Weighted Blanket (Make sure to get the correct weight for your child!)
  51. Take a Bubble Bath
  52. Use Lavender Essential Oil
  53. Play with Playdough
  54. Doodle – Alternate Between Light and Heavy Pressure
  55. Write Down Your Worries or Frustrations and Then Tear Up the Paper
  56. Say a Positive Affirmation (Check out my Positive Affirmations Kit)
  57. Play with a Pipe Cleaner
  58. Trace a Calming Word on Your Leg or Arm
  59. Hang Upside Down Off the Couch
  60. Keep a Feather or Balloon Up in The Air by Blowing on It
  61. Take a Shower
  62. Take a Nap
  63. Play with Thinking Putty

More Parenting Resources

If you are looking for additional parenting resources, free printables, workbooks, and checklists, I have a free Parenting Resource Library that has some great free options that can help you parent your scared child.

Sending you love and light!


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