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The Little Brave Guide to Gratitude
Teach your kids to be more grateful with this workbook. 8 activities, crafts, games and journal prompts all designed to help you find new and fun ways to practice gratitude.
Problem Solving Worksheet
This worksheet walks your kids through the process of solving their own problems in a step-by-step format.
I Feel Confused Worksheet
This worksheet gives your kids a format to interview you and ask all of their questions about your cancer in a safe and kids friendly way.
75 Print & Cut Calm Down Techniques
Create a grab bag of calm down strategies to use anytime you need to calm a tantrum, meltdown, angry outburst, anxiety attack or any other big emotion behavior!
Mini Calm Down Card Deck
7 activities and exercises designed to help your child calm their anger, fear or other big emotions. Full calm down deck available here.
How to Calm a Tantrum Cheat Sheet
5 techniques with examples that will stop a tantrum in its tracks. Keep this somewhere handy – you are going to want to reference it next time your kiddo starts melting down!
3 Step Parenting Plan for Whining and Complaining
If you find yourself at your wits end over all of the whining and complaining going on in your house, use this handy worksheet to help you get to the root issues and respond in a way that helps you and your kids.
Moving Activity Box Checklist
If you are planning a move with kids, you need this checklist to help you create a moving activity box kit. This kit is the perfect tool to keep your kids occupied while you pack, travel and unpack!
Recovery Scavenger Hunt
Here’s a fun activity that you can do with your kids while you recover from your treatments (or if you are just down sick with a bad cold and need to occupy your kiddos for an hour!)
Kindness Note Template Printables
Teach your kids to be kind with these printable kindness notes. Print one sheet of 4 notes out for each child and let them write a kind note.
Bravery Shield Craft Printables
Create this bravery shield with your kids to help remind them to use their favorite coping skills to calm down from fear, anger, frustration, or even boredom!
4 Steps to An Apology Worksheet
Teach kids to develop personal responsibility and empathy by learning how to apologize well! Learn how to teach this worksheet in this article.