Roll It, Mark It Math Game - Brave Guide

Roll It, Mark It Math Game


This fun and easy math game is great for individual or partner play. 8 files are included with adding, subtracting, multiplication, and division. The game can grow with your students throughout the year without you having to reteach the idea. It is the perfect low prep game for math centers that can be used over and over!


This set of 8 super easy and fun math games is a great option for center time. Multiple options included:

  • 2 Digit Addition (No Regrouping)
  • 2 Digit Addition (With Regrouping)
  • 2 Digit Subtraction (No Regrouping)
  • 2 Digit Subtraction (With Regrouping)
  • 3 Digit Subtraction (With Regrouping)
  • 1 Digit Multiplication
  • 2 Digit Multiplication
  • 2×1 Digit Division

How to Play:

Students can play with a partner or by themselves. Roll the dice and pick an equation that matches the roll. Solve it and choose a square with the correct answer to mark out. The goal is to get 5 in a row across, down, or diagonal. If playing with a partner, they play as a team – not against eachother.

I love using games in my third grade classroom during math centers. My students have fun and learn important skills while I am able to lead small groups for math. This particular game has been so helpful because my students beg to play it and I can easily differentiate based on the skill I want students to target.

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