The Brave Guide to Cancer - Brave Guide

The Brave Guide to Cancer


As a parent, one of the scariest things that can happen is to be diagnosed with cancer. First, you have to figure out how to tell your children in a way that doesn’t terrify them. And then, you have to figure out how to help them cope with the stress and anxiety of this time while keeping yourself pulled together. The Brave Guide to Cancer was designed as a guidebook for kids whose parents have cancer. It walks them through emotions that may arise such as sadness, fear, and frustration, it gives them practical advice on how to cope with watching their parents go through treatment, and it allows them a safe space to express their emotions rather than leaving them bottled up inside.

The Brave Guide to Cancer will engage your child through worksheets, journal prompts, art projects, practical tips and even physical activities that are all designed to help them not just cope, but thrive through your families’ crises.

This guidebook is designed to be given to your child in stages that follow the stages of your cancer journey including: diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. This guidebook does not address end of life issues. If you need to help your child walk through a parent’s death, please see the Brave Guide to Grieving.

*** This is a printable download that you will receive immediately upon purchase – no physical product will be mailed. ***

SKU: 001BGC Category:

As a parent, one of the scariest things that can happen is to be diagnosed with cancer. First, you have to figure out how to tell your children in a way that doesn’t terrify them. And then, you have to figure out how to help them cope with the stress and anxiety of this time while keeping yourself pulled together. The Brave Guide to Cancer was designed as a guidebook for kids whose parents have cancer. It walks them through emotions that may arise such as sadness, fear, and frustration, it gives them practical advice on how to cope with watching their parents go through treatment, and it allows them a safe space to express their emotions rather than leaving them bottled up inside. The Brave Guide to Moving will engage your child through worksheets, journal prompts, art projects, practical tips and even physical activities that are all designed to help them not just cope, but thrive through your families’ crises. *** This is a printable download that you will receive immediately upon purchase – no physical product will be mailed. ***


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